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Turn Grit Into Pearls! ~Elaina's blog

Turn Grit Into Pearls!


In these wild and crazy times, I find myself wondering what to do. I'm not even sure what wisdom to share with you that will be helpful. So I turned to my HigherSelf and heard "pick a card". So here it is:

When the Grit Became a Pearl

Essential meaning: reinvention, learning from past mistakes, surrendering to the lesson with grace, maturity

Something transformative is happening within you: all that friction, irritation, and resentment; the growing pains; identifying with your wounds and then releasing them. You've been through rough seas for sure. Now you hold the precious Pearl of wisdom in your hands and heart and psyche. You are forever changed.

After all, you cannot change the Pearl back to the Grit, nor would you want to. Yes, you might get triggered here and there by the ghosts of the past, but nothing compared to the arduous journey of learning you have been on. You will notice how quickly you can turn things around, how quiet you can become in the middle of a storm, how adept you've become at knowing when to speak up or to step away, how mature you are now.

This is a time to look at how far you've come and to be mindful of opportunities, relation-ships, and interactions that remind you of the ones you've been through already. You do not have to learn the same things repeatedly. You have the choice now to move forward or walk away. Some things cannot be changed no matter how much you want them to; certainly you know you can change only yourself, even if you want to influence another person to see things your way. That didn't work before, and it won't work now. Take things at face value and trust your intuition to avoid unnecessary Grit.

Treasure is waiting for you on the other side of this situation. Whatever choice you make now, if you move forward and discover it's not for you, you can always change your mind. The point is, your next move is about having an experience.

Because you have already accumulated so many Pearls of wisdom, you can trust yourself to make the right one. Breathe... you got this!

-Colette Baron-Reid, The Dream Weaver's Oracle.

Seems we are going to be better off if we let go a little and trust our HigherSelves to know what to do.  I sure don't know how to create pearls from grit, but the oysters do! 

Come on down to the Cosmic Tea Room and share your thoughts….what are you ready to turn into a pearl?


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